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The Greatest by Cat Power
... hmm. Hiukan vanhana syntyneen fiilis... joskus näinkin.
Once I wanted to be the greatest
No wind or waterfall could stall me
And then came the rush of the flood
The stars at night turned deep to dust
No wind or waterfall could stall me
And then came the rush of the flood
The stars at night turned deep to dust
Melt me down into big black armor
Leave no trace of grace just in your honor
Lower me down to culprit south
Make 'em wash a space in town
Leave no trace of grace just in your honor
Lower me down to culprit south
Make 'em wash a space in town
For the lead and the dregs of my bed
I've been sleeping
Lower me down, pin me in
Secure the grounds for the later parade
I've been sleeping
Lower me down, pin me in
Secure the grounds for the later parade
Once I wanted to be the greatest
Two fists of solid rock
With brains that could explain
Any feeling
Two fists of solid rock
With brains that could explain
Any feeling
Lower me down, pin me in
Secure the grounds
For the lead and the dregs of my bed
I've been sleeping for the later parade
Secure the grounds
For the lead and the dregs of my bed
I've been sleeping for the later parade
Once I wanted to be the greatest
No wind or water fall could stall me
And then came the rush of the flood
The stars at night turned deep to dust
No wind or water fall could stall me
And then came the rush of the flood
The stars at night turned deep to dust
Chan Marshall
Chan Marshall
Pakkasia odotellessa! Pukeutukaahan lämpimästi, siellä ON kylmä, hrrr...!
Näitäkin päiviä osuu kohdalle silloin tällöin - mieluummin ilman pieniä potilaita, jos toivoa saisi...Itse käyn nyt taistoon syysflunssaa vastaan kera teen, c-vitamiinin, viltin ja suklaan :).Kuntonyrkkeilyn jätän tänään suosiolla väliin.
VastaaPoistaVoimia taistoon ja suklaata nassuun! Se ei ainakaan koskaan mene hukkaan, annoksen lääkintätehosta riippumatta ;)
VastaaPoistaLisää vielä villasukat ja viinimarjamehu niin hyvä tulee.